Friday, November 5, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Marie Curie

Marie Curie

What scientific elements did I help to discover?

They call me Madame Curie
But I'm Polish you see
Born in Warsaw, Poland on November 7, 1867
My father was a teacher who introduced me to science
Off to Paris I went to attend the Sorbonne and pursue my alliance
A physicist and chemist who isolated the elements of polium and radium
Pierre Curie, my husband and partner in our life's work, helped me build a stadium
It was the Curie Institute in Paris and Warsaw
That forged the path for the development of radioactivity in medicine
My life was involved with much scientific study, teaching and discovery
This  gained me worldwide recognition as a Nobel Prize recipient
My personal dedication and determination helped me achieve and accomplish much
My life can be defined by science but I really excelled by including the personal touch
My love of nature and exploration of life
As you can see
My death was not the end of me 

Monday, August 16, 2010


Miguel Hidalgo y  Costilla
When do we celebrate Mexican Independence Day?

The Indigenous Indians of Mexico decided to revolt
They were inspired by Father Hildalgo to fight for their country
They were concerned that bloodshed and violence would be the result
Although, living with foreigners was not their cup of tea

What was the name of the Country that controlled Mexico?

Francisco Hernández de Córdoba
Francisco Hernández de Córdoba, a conquistador sailed the Atlantic Seas of Mexico in 1517
He was one of the first Europeans to set foot on the Yucatan Peninsula
His country made Mexico a colony and resigned the natives to a life that was unforeseen
The indigenous people were treated with disdain
Eventually the Conquest of Mexico was complete
The people were defeated and demoralized

Virgin of Guadalupe
What religion was involved in the Revolutionary War of Mexico?

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla